Ch-132 Asura dies.

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Despite Asura's lower body decaying into dust, his regenerative abilities promptly kicked in, initiating the process of regrowth. However, Jiryoku, resolute in preventing Asura's recovery, swiftly intervened once more. Cutting a decisive line of death that materialized on Asura's waist, Jiryoku arrested the regenerative process, causing the newly formed body part to succumb to decay and transform into grey dust.

"Give up. I don't want to slash you continuously like some maniac. Just surrender and return to the pure land where you belong," urged Jiryoku, his tone echoing a sense of finality.

Defiance echoed in Asura's response, "I cannot give up. I've made a promise to protect Mount Myoboku." Asura's declaration marked a renewed determination to persist in the face of adversity. Following his words, both of Asura's hands underwent a transformation, morphing into countless wooden vines that surged forward at incredible speed, aiming to ensnare Jiryoku.

Jiryoku, astute and unfazed, easily discerned the impending attack. Swiftly cutting two lines of death—one on his shoulder and another on his chest—Jiryoku neutralized the wooden vines before they could reach him.

As the wooden vines approached Jiryoku's face, they underwent a swift transformation, turning grey and ultimately disintegrating into dust. The relentless assault left Asura with only his head remaining. Gradually, the rest of his body followed suit, succumbing to the same fate—turning grey and then disintegrating into dust. With the complete dissolution of his physical form, Asura's ability to regenerate was irrevocably lost.

Now reduced to only his head, Asura's final moments were imminent. Jiryoku, discerning a line of death manifesting on Asura's head, recognized the gravity of the situation. This particular line, if severed, would result in Asura's eternal demise, ensuring that his soul would never return to the pure land.

Without hesitation, Jiryoku swiftly cut the line of death on Asura's head. As the head turned grey and began the inevitable transformation into dust, Asura's voice resonated with a sense of regret, "I'm sorry I couldn't sa..."

Though Asura's sentence remained unfinished, the unspoken words conveyed a profound apology. Jiryoku, attuned to Asura's sentiments, understood that Asura sought forgiveness for his inability to save Mount Myoboku and the toads dwelling within it. The poignant moment marked the conclusion of a formidable battle, leaving Jiryoku to reflect on the gravity of the sacrifices made in the pursuit of one's duty.

As Asura's entire body dissolved into dust, the aftermath of utilizing the Enhanced Agility Mode (EAM) took its toll on Jiryoku. The once-prominent white lines covering his body began to fade, compelling him to exit the 'Sage Mode.' Kneeling on the ground, Jiryoku sought support from his sword, visibly fatigued and panting heavily. Succumbing to the effects, he closed his eyes, as the strain made it impossible to maintain his 'Mystic Eyes of Death Perception' any longer.

In this weakened state, Jiryoku struggled to uphold his 'Observation Haki.' Despite the temporary frailty, he found solace in the knowledge that this weakness would be momentary. Within a few minutes, he anticipated a recovery, although not back to his peak condition, ensuring he would be less vulnerable to potential attacks.

Even in his weakened state, Jiryoku remained a formidable force. The black hole he had created persisted, under his mental control, ready to defy any threat. Jiryoku had strategized his departure after regaining sufficient strength, but as fate would have it, not everything unfolded according to his plans.

"He appears to be weakened now, the perfect opportunity to strike," Obito remarked, assessing Jiryoku's current state.

Konan, cautious about underestimating their opponent, questioned, "Are you certain? Even in his weakened state, he might still surpass us."

Obito, undeterred, instructed Pain and the others, "Distract him for me."

Deidara, seizing the chance to showcase his art, declared, "I'll make him understand the true meaning of art." With that, he conjured a C2 dragon and mounted it, soaring towards Jiryoku.

As Deidara closed in, the unexpected happened. The intense gravitational force, a lingering effect of Jiryoku's abilities, forced the C2 dragon to land abruptly, rendering it unable to sustain flight.

Simultaneously, spectators who had retreated from the earlier intense clash between Asura and Jiryoku began returning, having witnessed the conclusion of that fierce battle with Asura's demise. However, the scene unfolding before them was startling. The Akatsuki, long considered a formidable force, was now launching an assault on Jiryoku. This unexpected turn of events elicited mixed reactions among the onlookers. While some were taken aback, others, aware of Jiryoku's potential threat, found a sense of satisfaction in witnessing his vulnerability. The battlefield, once the site of a one-on-one duel, now became a stage for an unforeseen confrontation with the Akatsuki.

Utilizing his Kamui ability, Obito materialized behind Jiryoku, who remained acutely aware of the impending Akatsuki attack. Without hesitation, Obito activated Kamui, drawing Jiryoku into the extradimensional space. Surprisingly, Jiryoku offered no resistance and allowed himself to be pulled into the Kamui realm.

Obito, along with the other members of Akatsuki, was left dumbfounded by Jiryoku's lack of resistance. It was perplexing; even in his weakened state, Jiryoku should have possessed the capacity to resist such an attempt. The Akatsuki members struggled to comprehend why Jiryoku, despite his formidable abilities, chose not to resist. Throughout the process, Jiryoku maintained a lowered head, seemingly focused on recuperating his stamina, displaying an unexpected and enigmatic surrender. The unfolding events left the Akatsuki in a state of confusion and curiosity, pondering the motives behind Jiryoku's unconventional response.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)