Ch-161 You better be my errand boy.

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"We do not fear pain; rather, we are intricately woven from the very fabric of pain," proclaimed Pain, his words carrying a profound weight.

With a chuckle that seemed to dance on the edges of amusement, Jiryoku remarked, "I must say, your lines exhibit a certain eloquence."

Perplexed, Pain inquired, "What do you mean?"

"In which village am I currently right now?" asked Jiryoku.

"Of course, you are in Amegakure," stated Pain with an air of authority.

"What do you think will happen if this whole village gets destroyed?" said Jiryoku with a straight face and a calm look, as if he were talking about something insignificant.

Jiryoku's provocative statement prompted Konan to react, her tone growing notably colder. "So, you are insinuating a threat involving the annihilation of Amegakure?" Her words hinted at a latent aggression, suggesting that were it not for Jiryoku's formidable strength, Konan might have entertained the idea of killing him a thousand times over.

"Not at all. I was just wondering how your friend, who is like a brother to you, will feel when the village for which he worked hard is being destroyed. The same village that he wanted to see prosper in this world is now getting destroyed," said Jiryoku.

Then, while directly facing Pain, he continued, "What do you think, Nagato? He will feel immeasurable pain, correct?"

Nagato, who was gritting his teeth in anger as soon as he heard Jiryoku calling out his real name, was shocked. Konan was also surprised after hearing this. It was not a hidden fact that Jiryoku knew that Pain was just a dead body being controlled, but the person behind the control was unknown to anyone. However, Jiryoku easily identified Nagato's true identity.

Turning a blind eye to Konan's visibly angered expression, Jiryoku purposefully positioned himself in front of Obito. With a measured tone, he uttered, "Uchiha Madara, you are someone who has no family to call your own, so you don't have much to worry about. I was just wondering, what would happen if, by chance, Nohara Lin were to be resurrected and saw you like this? What would she think? Anyway, she loved Kakashi, but once she learns about your deeds, I swear she will immediately feel disgust towards you. In a way, Lin's choice of Kakashi will be proven to be absolutely correct."

"Shut up!" Obito exclaimed, anger clearly audible in his tone.

"Oh, I'm so scared," Jiryoku mocked. Then, he continued moving and stood in front of Itachi.

"You are a fearless person, so I won't indulge in much nonsense with you. If anything happens to people related to me, I will eliminate even the last seedling of your family—the same seedling for which you slaughtered your own clan," warned Jiryoku.

Itachi's face remained calm, but inside his mind and heart, emotions raced at a rapid pace. The sentence made it evident that Jiryoku had his eyes on Sasuke, and any impulsive move from Itachi could lead to his brother's suffering.

Although Itachi's face was calm, a murderous intent was brewing in his heart because Sasuke is his reverse scale. Itachi was already contemplating ways to kill Jiryoku, but sometimes any calculation is weak against vast disparities in strength. For now, Itachi can hardly find any way to eliminate Jiryoku.

How can the killing intent of Itachi be hidden from Jiryoku's 'Observation Haki'? He immediately sensed the killing intent emanating from Itachi but chose to ignore it.

Jiryoku then confronted Deidara and declared, "You are a lunatic and an unstable factor. I am thinking of killing you."

Jiryoku addressed Obito, Nagato, and Itachi, saying, "What are your thoughts on my proposal? Just carry out your tasks quietly, and I won't bother with any of you."

Nagato responded, "Do you think we're easy to bully?"

"Is there even a doubt? Of course, yes," replied Jiryoku with a smile. He was merely teasing and playing with them. Training for almost every day over the past six months had left him quite bored and mentally tired. To lighten up his mood, he decided to employ sarcasm and humor.

Ignoring Jiryoku's joking behavior, Nagato questioned, "Do you dare to face us outside Amegakure?"

"Why not? For the past six months, I have been continuously training. Let's go; I will have a few sparring partners to stretch my muscles and body, and you will also witness my strength," said Jiryoku.

After saying this, Jiryoku snapped his fingers twice towards Deidara and said, "Go and order the best food in Amegakure."

"Bastard! I'm not your errand boy," said Deidara with anger in his tone.

Jiryoku controlled gravity, pulling Deidara towards him and held him by the neck, saying, "You better be my errand boy today, and I will spare your life. If not, you have already seen my strength seven months ago; you were no match for me then, not to mention now. Got that? So, if you value your life, keep the food ready before I come after stretching my muscles."

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)