Ch-177 Obito leaves.

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Obito found himself unable to retreat in time, leaving Naruto free to persist in his relentless assault. Amidst the chaos, Obito briefly entertained the notion of solidifying his form instead of remaining intangible. Contemplating his options, he weighed the possibility of dodging the 'Explosive Tag' blast only to absorb Naruto's incoming attack. Yet, he quickly dismissed the idea, reasoning that while the explosion might cause some injury, it would likely be manageable. Conversely, the prospect of facing Naruto's onslaught posed a far graver threat, with the potential for severe injuries, or worse, even death looming large. Thus, Obito reluctantly abandoned the risky strategy, opting to evade Naruto's attacks altogether.

Finally, at the current moment in time, the right shoulder, previously intangible and secluded within the Kamui space, was abruptly struck by the explosive tags dispatched by Kakashi through the formidable power of his Mangekyo Sharingan. Consequently, Obito suffered a notable injury to his right shoulder, causing him evident discomfort.

Upon witnessing Obito's sudden affliction, Naruto found himself momentarily taken aback, his momentum momentarily halted by the unexpected turn of events. Seizing upon this fleeting pause, Obito swiftly capitalized on the opportunity to create some distance between himself and Naruto, utilizing every precious second to maneuver himself out of immediate reach.

However, Naruto, undeterred by the setback and fueled by his unwavering determination, swiftly regained his focus. Recognizing the urgency of the situation and steadfast in his resolve not to allow Obito to escape with Sasuke and Itachi, Naruto resolved to press forward once more, his resolve unyielding as he prepared to confront Obito head-on.

"Stop right there, if you want your friend to live," said Obito, his voice carrying a menacing tone that halted Naruto, who had been charging at him with full speed.

"Bastard, if you dare lay a finger on Sasuke, I will never forgive you," declared Naruto, his eyes blazing with determination.

"I am not the one harming Sasuke; it's all of you who are causing him harm," Obito retorted calmly, his gaze piercing through the tension-filled air.

"What do you mean, Obito? Don't for a moment believe you can deceive us and walk away unscathed today," Kakashi interjected sharply, his hand instinctively reaching for his weapon.

"Today, not only will we secure Sasuke's safety, but I will also ensure you come with us," Kakashi continued, his tone resolute.

"You are sorely mistaken if you think you can simply whisk me away, Kakashi," Obito countered defiantly, his stance unwavering.

"Neither do you possess the strength to do so, nor do you have the right. The solitary task I entrusted to you was to protect her, yet even that proved beyond your capabilities," said Obito, his voice sending shivers down the spine, a chilling echo mixed with an undercurrent of profound sadness.

"I refuse to engage in meaningless banter with you. Allow me to be unequivocal: while you did indeed assail me, the injuries inflicted were but minor in comparison. However, can you confidently state that your students remains unscathed? He was already grievously wounded following his confrontation with Itachi. And now, with the reckless barrage of explosive tags hurled into the Kamui space, where Sasuke currently resides, the severity of his injuries is left to the imagination. Without immediate and adequate intervention, his fate is sealed. Is that truly your desire?" Obito's words were devoid of any emotion.

Upon hearing the first part of Obito's conversation, a wave of sadness immediately engulfed Kakashi, for the 'her' mentioned by Obito was none other than Lin, the one he regretfully failed to save. He longed to express his remorse, yet before he could utter a word, Obito swiftly shifted the topic to Sasuke's condition. This abrupt change caused a visible shift in the expressions of Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura, their faces now betraying concern and apprehension.

"Damn it! Why didn't I think of this sooner?" Kakashi lamented, his hand reflexively patting his head in frustration.

"Kakashi, there's no point in dwelling on frustration," remarked Jiraiya, who had just arrived on the scene.

Upon witnessing Jiraiya's sudden appearance, Obito uttered, "We will meet again on another day. Until then, farewell." With those words, Obito commenced his disappearance, utilizing his Kamui technique.

In this instance, they found themselves with no recourse but to helplessly observe Obito's departure.

"Once again, we've failed to bring Sasuke back," Naruto lamented as he reverted from his tailed beast form.

"Take a breath, Naruto. There will be other opportunities," reassured Jiraiya.

Concern etched on her features, Sakura inquired, "Will Sasuke be alright?"

"Although nothing can be stated with absolute certainty, there's reason to believe Sasuke should be alright. All we can do now is hope for the best," Kakashi remarked.

A moment of silence ensued, lingering briefly before Jiraiya broke it, suggesting, "Given our mission's failure, it's time we made our way back to Konoha."

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)