Ch-179 'Five Kage Summit'.

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Tsunade felt a quiet sense of regret after hearing the news that they were unable to bring Sasuke back. She also harbored regret over the death of Itachi.

Tsunade learned about Itachi's true motives for slaughtering the Uchiha Clan only after investigating both elders, Koharu and Homura. Furthermore, she discovered that Itachi had been working as a spy for Konoha within the Akatsuki Organization, through the remaining records of Danzo's ROOTS.

After the passing of Hiruzen, Itachi ceased transmitting information to Konoha. Nevertheless, the lingering injustice surrounding Itachi's death continued to haunt Tsunade's thoughts.

"In the event of Sasuke's return, I shall personally divulge every detail to him, ensuring that Itachi receives the heroic recognition he rightfully deserves," ruminated Tsunade inwardly.

"What preoccupies your mind, Tsunade?" inquired Jiraiya, noticing Tsunade's contemplative demeanor.

"I was reflecting on the matter concerning Itachi. You are familiar with the circumstances as well," responded Tsunade.

Jiraiya nodded empathetically upon comprehending Tsunade's sentiments.

"What matter are you referring to, Granny?" inquired Naruto, his curiosity piqued.

Tsunade responded with a gentle yet firm tone, "Now is not the appropriate moment for you to be informed. When the opportune time arises, I will divulge the details to both of you. For the present, it's imperative that you and Sakura take a well-deserved rest. There's something of importance that I need to discuss with Jiraiya and Kakashi."

Undeterred, Naruto pressed on, "Please, Granny, enlighten me now. Is it concerning Sasuke?"

With a hint of reluctance, Tsunade considered Naruto's persistence, weighing her words carefully before responding further.

"Naruto, Lady Hokage said she will disclose the information when the timing is right. We should respect her decision," Sakura stated, observing Tsunade's predicament. With that, she proceeded to drag Naruto out of the Hokage's office.

Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Kakashi observed as Naruto was dragged away helplessly, exchanging a sigh and a smile among themselves.

After Naruto and Sakura had left, Jiraiya inquired, "Has something significant occurred that you wish to discuss with us?"

Tsunade responded by sliding a letter forward on the table, stating, "Yes, both Iwagakure and Kumogakure have called for a 'Five Kage Summit.'"

"It seems they can no longer withstand the pressure from Akatsuki," remarked Jiraiya.

"Or perhaps the influence of Jiryoku has compelled them to make this move," suggested Kakashi.

"Hmm? What exactly are you trying to convey, Kakashi? Please explain more clearly," requested Tsunade.

Kakashi explained, "What I mean is, after witnessing the strength of Jiryoku, they fear that he will unite the entire world. Additionally, they lack their tailed beasts, which they might have considered using to compete with Jiryoku. Furthermore, there are only two tailed beasts remaining: the Nine-Tails and the Eight-Tails. If I'm not mistaken, they believe that due to Jiryoku's presence, Akatsuki will never attack us, that is, Konoha. However, the same cannot be said for Kumogakure, which possesses the Eight-Tails. Kumogakure could become a vulnerable target for Akatsuki."

"Perhaps what Kakashi is conveying holds truth," remarked Jiraiya, pondering Kakashi's insights.

"Hmm, your observation seems valid. Nevertheless, regardless of the circumstances, it is imperative that we attend the 'Five Kage Summit.' As per the invitation, we are allowed to bring two guards. Therefore, Jiraiya, you and Kakashi will accompany me," declared Tsunade with authority.

"It would not be prudent for me to partake in the 'Five Kage Summit.' One of us must remain here to safeguard Naruto," reasoned Jiraiya, expressing his concern for Naruto's safety.

"Granted, Naruto possesses formidable strength, yet leaving his security unattended is a risk we cannot afford," acknowledged Tsunade, understanding Jiraiya's apprehension.

"Very well, as you suggest. Kakashi and Yamato will accompany me," decided Tsunade, considering Jiraiya's point.

"Hmm, indeed, that seems like a prudent arrangement," concurred Jiraiya, acknowledging Tsunade's decision.

After this discussion, both Kakashi and Jiraiya left the Hokage building.


After three days, Tsunade, along with Kakashi and Yamato, left Konoha to attend the 'Five Kage Summit.'

Obito gazed at Sasuke, who had awakened the 'Mangekyo Sharingan.' Just then, 'White Zetsu' approached Obito and remarked, "Obito, the 'Five Kage Summit' is taking place today. Almost every Kage has departed from their respective villages."

"What about the Eight-Tails' Jinchuriki? Is it still in Kumogakure?" inquired Obito.

"No, the Eight-Tails' Jinchuriki has also left with the Raikage for the 'Five Kage Summit,'" replied 'White Zetsu.'

"I understand. Go and inform Nagato to be prepared. Once the Raikage returns with the Eight-Tails' Jinchuriki from the 'Five Kage Summit,' instruct Nagato to take immediate action and capture the Jinchuriki," instructed Obito.

"Are you intending to intercept the Raikage and the Eight-Tails' Jinchuriki during their journey to Kumogakure?" inquired 'White Zetsu.'

"No, not at all. Although the Raikage may appear reckless, he is quite intelligent and astute. We cannot risk exposing our intentions. There is a high chance that the Raikage will conceal the Jinchuriki somewhere, making it difficult for us to locate it quickly," explained Obito.

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