Ch-185 Killer B captured.

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Due to the cannon-like attack from Eight-tails (Gyuki), the entire area was engulfed in dust, reducing visibility to zero; nothing could be seen at all.

"Wee, they should be dead now, yeah," said Killer in his rapping tone.

"No, they are absolutely fine," said Gyuki, sensing that all the 'Paths of Pain' were unharmed.

As the dust cleared, all the 'Paths of Pain' were clearly visible without any harm. Before Killer B or Gyuki could plan their next attack, numerous papers flew in Gyuki's direction and exploded all over his body. These papers were no ordinary papers; they were all 'Explosive Tags' that directly hit Gyuki.

Gyuki once again felt a huge amount of pain from this attack, but being the second most powerful tailed beast, Gyuki was quite resilient to such assaults and was able to withstand them.

Before Gyuki could recover from the pain of being hit by multiple 'Explosive Tags', the 'Asura Path's' head opened, and a powerful laser beam was shot from the center of its head, directly hitting Gyuki. Yet, Gyuki remained unharmed.

However, Nagato was in no mood to give Gyuki any other chance to counterattack. Therefore, the 'Deva Path' flew into the air and released multiple black receivers that pinned all of Gyuki's tentacles, causing a disruption of Chakra flow within Gyuki. Although these black receivers were not too large, they were sufficient to pin down Gyuki's tentacles.

The disruption in Chakra caused by the presence of the black receiver immobilized Gyuki for a few moments, but these moments were more than enough for the 'Preta Path' to get close to Gyuki.

The 'Preta Path' appeared in front of Gyuki and began absorbing Chakra from Gyuki at a rapid pace. Feeling the rapid loss of Chakra from his body, Gyuki and Killer B became anxious. With a loud roar and full strength, Gyuki removed all the black receivers pinning his tentacles and, in anger, punched the 'Preta Path' in an attempt to destroy it with a single blow.

But obviously, the 'Deva Path' was ready for such an attack, and he immediately appeared in front of the 'Preta Path,' using the 'Almighty Push' to halt the advancement of Gyuki's punch just a few centimeters away from himself. Without much issue, this attack from Gyuki was defended.

While the 'Deva Path' was stopping Gyuki's attack, the 'Animal Path' also utilized the summoning technique to summon the 'Giant Rhino.' This 'Giant Rhino' attacked Gyuki from its right side.

So, before Gyuki could continue its attack on the 'Deva Path' and the 'Preta Path,' it had to defend itself from the impending attack of the 'Giant Rhino.'

Gyuki halted the incoming attack from the 'Giant Rhino' with his hand. While defending himself from the rhino's assault, Gyuki swung his tentacles towards the 'Deva Path' and the 'Preta Path' to force them to retreat from his immediate vicinity. After all, they could take advantage of Gyuki when he was occupied defending himself from the rhino's attack.

Having stopped the 'Giant Rhino's' assault, Gyuki wrapped two tentacles around 'Giant rhino's' body and squeezed tightly. As a result, the 'Giant Rhino' disappeared into a cloud of white smoke.

But before Gyuki could even breathe a sigh of relief, he heard a loud boom coming from above his head. When he looked up, he saw the giant bird, on which the 'Animal Path' and Konan had previously arrived at this location, diving towards him with extreme speed. Gyuki barely had time to react before the beak of the giant bird pierced his right shoulder, pinning him to the ground.

The 'Giant Bird' moved away from Gyuki, finally freeing him, but leaving a big hole in his shoulder. Despite continuously healing, Gyuki couldn't even stand up before the 'Deva Path' waved his hand. All the debris of stones and broken parts of the land started getting attracted towards Gyuki as if he were a magnet, pulling in these materials.

This process continued until Gyuki's entire body was covered in debris. Not only did these debris cover Gyuki's body, but they also exerted constant pressure, compressing him.

Gyuki tried his best but was unable to free himself from the entanglement. As Gyuki struggled, the debris constantly shook, but after a few moments, the shaking ceased, and the debris fell to the ground.

While the 'Deva Path' was employing this weakened version of 'Planetary Devastation,' all the 'Paths of Pain' except for him fell to the ground, and all the summons also disappeared from the location. Because to even perform this weakened version of 'Planetary Devastation,' Nagato needs to concentrate his whole chakra in the 'Deva Path,' or else he won't be able to execute it.

After the work of the 'Deva Path' was completed, all the 'Paths of Pain' began to wake up and stand on their feet again.

The 'Deva Path' used 'Universal Pull' to clear the debris, revealing the unconscious body of Killer B buried beneath it.

The 'Asura Path' moved and retrieved the unconscious Killer B from under the rubble.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)