Ch-191 Jiryoku enters Konoha.

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Although everyone present felt uncomfortable with Jiryoku's tone, no one dared to utter anything unnecessary due to his intimidating presence, lest they risked being killed. Currently, they had no reason to confront Jiryoku as their objective for the day had been accomplished.

While Obito regretted not being able to eliminate Nagato and Konan, he had at least achieved his main goal: obtaining the Rinnegan from Nagato. After this, he no longer had any reason to confront Jiryoku.

"Let's depart," said Obito.

Sasuke glanced at Jiryoku for a few moments before departing, feeling envious of his commanding presence. Even though Jiryoku merely stood there, his presence instilled fear in everyone present, rendering them incapable of opposing him.

Finally, after everyone had left, Konan asked Jiryoku, "Why did you save us?"

In response to Konan's question, Jiryoku replied, "I felt sympathy for both of you. The darkness that fills your minds was manipulated by Madara and Obito's schemes. You both harbor far less darkness than you believe. The same applies to Obito Uchiha; he may see himself as a master player, but he too is merely a pawn in this game. However, I require his cooperation to fulfill the true plan, so I have no intention of revealing anything to him."

Several revelations startled both Konan and Nagato, but they refrained from questioning Jiryoku further, acknowledging they had no right to do so.

Nagato said to Jiryoku, "I am already disabled, and I have no desire to continue living. If you truly wish to help us, then take Konan away."

Jiryoku replied, "Consider whether she can truly survive without you. I doubt she can live without both you and Yahiko. I'm uncertain about the nature of your relationship, but both of you need time to sort this out. You, Nagato, harbored feelings for her since childhood, yet she fell in love with Yahiko, your best friend. After Yahiko's death, Konan has been the one caring for you. As for her feelings towards you, I am unsure. You both need time to figure it out."

Konan, focused solely on Nagato's injuries, said, "His injuries are severe; we need to get him to a skilled medical ninja. Jiryoku, please assist me. I am at your disposal; I will do whatever tasks you assign."

Jiryoku replied, "I don't think I'll need anything from you. However, Nagato must be saved, and for that, we require a powerful medical ninja. We already know the world's most formidable ninja, who happens to be your Sensei's best friend."

"But will Sensei help us?" asked Konan.

Jiryoku said, "That depends on your luck. I cannot influence his decision. If he desires both of you dead, then unfortunately, you will be."

Although Jiryoku spoke these words, he knew there was no chance Jiraiya would allow his students to perish, especially after learning the truth. Jiraiya was too compassionate for such a scenario. If their teacher had been Danzo, however, the outcome might have been different.

Jiryoku lifted both Konan and Nagato with the assistance of gravity, and the three of them flew in the direction of Konoha.


Jiryoku landed on the ground outside Konoha. He began walking toward the gate of Konoha, and when the Konoha guards saw him, they couldn't believe their eyes for a few seconds. However, once they confirmed that it was indeed Jiryoku approaching, they attempted to say something. Before they could utter a word, both guards fell unconscious to the ground, and Jiryoku continued walking forward.

The scene in Konoha now featured Jiryoku walking at the front, with Konan following closely behind him and Nagato floating in his seat. Wherever Jiryoku passed, whether civilian or ninja, people collapsed unconscious to the ground. This phenomenon was all due to Jiryoku's 'Conqueror's Haki.'

After a few minutes in the Hokage's office, Tsunade felt as if a wave of dizziness had struck her, but her strong willpower prevented her from being too affected. However, the same could not be said for Shizune. She felt dizzy, but thanks to Tsunade's assistance, she managed to remain standing without losing consciousness.

"Where did this sudden wave of dizziness come from? It's very similar to…" Tsunade began saying, but as she spoke, the gate of the Hokage's office opened, and Jiryoku entered.

"...One of Jiryoku's moves," Tsunade finished her sentence, looking at Jiryoku.

Seeing Jiryoku was fine, but as soon as she saw Konan and Nagato behind him, she almost screamed and stood up in shock. However, at the last moment, she regained control and maintained her composure.

"Long time no see, Hokage," said Jiryoku as he took a seat.

Tsunade took a deep breath and said, "Jiryoku, what brings you here? And why did you bring the members of Akatsuki, especially the leader, here to Konoha?"

Jiryoku replied, "After all I've told you, you still refer to him as the leader of Akatsuki? Anyway, I brought them here because they have some relation to Konoha. They are Jiraiya's students."

Tsunade also recognized them as the students Jiraiya had taken during the Second Ninja War. And Jiraiya had also informed her about Nagato and Konan being members of Akatsuki before, so she wasn't surprised.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)