Ch-200 What is Jiryoku's stance?

In the hideout of Kabuto, Black Zetsu stealthily appeared behind Obito, his presence abrupt yet calculated. "Both Kisame and Deidara perished in the mission to capture the nine-tails Jinchuriki, Naruto," he announced, his tone carrying the weight of the news. Black Zetsu proceeded to elucidate the circumstances surrounding their demise, painting a vivid picture of the struggle they faced.

Upon absorbing the grim details, Obito fell into a somber silence. The loss of Deidara and Kisame struck a chord deep within him; they had been his most steadfast allies, their loyalty unwavering. Yet, he refrained from succumbing to despair, recognizing the greater mission that lay ahead.

Determined, Obito made his way through the labyrinthine corridors of the hideout, his purpose unwavering. He found Kabuto engrossed in his work at the heart of their sanctuary.

"Prepare yourself," Obito declared to Kabuto, his voice tinged with resolve. "We are on the brink of war."

Kabuto nodded solemnly, his expression reflecting the gravity of the situation. "It appears that Kisame and Deidara's mission ended in failure," he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of regret.

Obito's response was a simple nod, though his eyes betrayed a flicker of concern. The loss of two skilled operatives was a setback they couldn't afford, especially in their current precarious position.

Undeterred by the setback, Obito pressed on. "Ensure that all the chess pieces are positioned correctly," he instructed, his tone firm and commanding.

Turning his attention to Kabuto, he inquired further, "Have you deployed the formidable chess pieces in the Fire Country as I instructed? We cannot afford any oversight in our preparations."

Kabuto's response was affirmative but laden with caution. "Yes, just as you directed," he confirmed, his voice measured. "I've positioned some exceptionally powerful chess pieces throughout the Fire Country, meticulously adhering to your orders."

Obito nodded, acknowledging the meticulous planning and execution. Each move had to be precise, every piece strategically placed to ensure their success.

With a calculated resolve, Obito embarked on his next move, setting the stage for the imminent conflict. Placing potent chess pieces within the Fire Country wasn't just about diversion; it was a calculated maneuver to keep Jiryoku occupied, granting him the precious time needed to achieve his ultimate goal - the sealing of the nine-tails.

After Obito's departure, the atmosphere in the hideout seemed to exhale a collective breath of tension, leaving Black Zetsu and Kabuto to discuss their next moves in relative privacy.

Black Zetsu, his demeanor shrouded in secrecy, turned to Kabuto, his eyes glinting with anticipation. "Have you completed the task I assigned to you?" he inquired, the weight of their clandestine operation hanging in the air.

Kabuto's response was swift and confident, his voice resonating with assurance. "Without a doubt," he affirmed, a hint of pride evident in his tone.

A sense of relief washed over Black Zetsu as he processed Kabuto's words. With Obito gradually veering away from their meticulously crafted plan, every completed task became a vital piece in their intricate game of manipulation.

"Join me," Kabuto beckoned, his voice a whisper of intrigue as he led Black Zetsu to a concealed chamber within the hideout. Here, hidden from prying eyes, Kabuto unveiled the culmination of six months of painstaking work.


The Five Kages and Mifune convened just before the onset of war. This time, they chose a different meeting place—not the Iron Country, but a strategic location from which the army would be commanded. The decision to meet here stemmed from the suspicion that the hideout of Akatsuki might be nearby.

Inside the tent, all five Kages and Mifune gathered around a circular table.

"As we've previously discussed, Konoha will lead this war. Hokage, how do you plan to deploy the troops?" inquired Onoki.

"I will defer this matter to the think tank of Konoha, Shikaku. He will provide a comprehensive plan," responded Tsunade.

None of those present objected to Shikaku leading the strategic planning for troop deployment. Shikaku was widely regarded as one of the most intelligent individuals in the world, and his expertise was trusted by all.

After receiving the directive from Tsunade, Shikaku composed himself and began to outline the troop deployment strategy, utilizing the intelligence they had gathered regarding the Akatsuki hideout.

Following this, Shikaku proceeded to divide the entirety of the Allied Shinobi Forces into five divisions. He elaborated on their respective deployments and designated the core members who would lead each division.

Subsequently, Tsunade made an announcement, her voice carrying authority within the tent. "I hereby appoint Kazekage Gaara as the Regimental Commander of the Allied Shinobi Forces."

There were no objections raised to Tsunade's decision, signifying unanimous agreement among those present.

"According to our proposal, Tsuchikage will assist Kazekage in the war. Mizukage will be tasked with protecting the Daimyo of all five nations. Here on the battlefield, Hokage and Raikage will remain ready to react to any unforeseen situations. Lastly, the teams will be distributed in such a way that all the Kages can gather at one place immediately," explained Shikaku.

Everyone concurred with this proposal, recognizing it as the most prudent course of action available.

Finally, Raikage, who had remained silent for some time, interjected, "I propose that we refrain from allowing Naruto to participate in the battle. This way, we can protect Naruto and prevent Obito from acquiring control over the nine-tails."

Tsunade adamantly rejected the proposal, stating, "No, I absolutely disagree. Naruto is not some weakling; he is a powerful individual and can serve as invaluable support for everyone. Excluding Naruto from the war will only make our efforts more challenging."

Continuing her argument, Tsunade emphasized, "Naruto has mastered the power of the nine-tails and now possesses the ability to significantly impact the course of battle with his strength. Therefore, omitting him from the war would be foolish. Rest assured, we will monitor Naruto closely, and if he faces any danger, we can swiftly provide assistance."

Gaara chimed in, echoing Tsunade's sentiments. "I agree with the Hokage's perspective. Naruto should be allowed to participate in the war."

The others present at the meeting concurred with Tsunade's viewpoint, leaving Raikage with no choice but to acquiesce.

Onoki interjected, "I believe we are overlooking something crucial. Hokage, what is Jiryoku's stance regarding this war?"

Tsunade responded, "We are uncertain of his intentions. If he truly desired to prevent this war, he would have dismantled the Akatsuki long ago. However, despite our efforts to reach out to Jiryoku and inquire about his position on the war, we received only one response: 'I will take action when I deem it necessary.' This is the extent of our knowledge regarding Jiryoku's stance."


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