Dropped the belt hook

Naimishi's heart pounded wildly, refusing to fathom Dusen demanding her to apologize to this liar. The servants stared at her, hands covering their mouths, whispering about what an arrogant bitch she was. Some even accused her of lying. Alora was nowhere in the sight. Where did she go?

Her gaze locked with Dusen's, his accusatory eyes making her feel as if she was being wrong here. The least he could have done was ask her the truth before jumping to conclusions. She wasn't about to bow down and apologize for something she hadn't done.

With an unmistakable air of arrogance, Naimishi fired back, "I will never apologize for something I haven't done!" Her intense stare bore into the merchant, who gulped in fear. "This man here is lying, if you believe it or not." If murderous intentions could fucking manifest through a glare, that bastard merchant would be lying in a pool of blood right now.