Wang Xueying's warning (2)

"It's one thing to care for your sister, but you absolutely can't cross those boundaries!" Wang Xueying's voice carried a tone of stern admonishment as she stressed the importance of their familial bond.

Wang Xiao abruptly slapped her hands away, his frustration evident. "Why should I even care?"


Wang Xueying fell silent, growing increasingly concerned about her brother's behavior.

Thankfully, Wang Xiao's rational side resurfaced. "Nobody knows about this. Mom and Dad are clueless, and Jiarong is in the dark as well. As for you—?" His gaze suddenly locked onto her, causing Wang Xueying to instinctively gulp. "I-I didn't see anything," she dramatically confessed, but it only darkened Wang Xiao's expression as he caught her hands and gripped them tightly.

"I don't want to hear jokes, Xueying," he emphasized, his eyes sharpening.

Wang Xueying's expression changed.
