Fu Yuxin lured (3)

"How was it?" Wang Xiao asked, his eyes alight with curiosity, as both Fu Yuxin and he emerged from the thrilling labyrinth of the amusement park.

Fu Yuxin couldn't help but beam with delight. "Perfect! Even better than I imagined!" She exclaimed, her excitement evident as she walked closely beside him, the world around them a whirlwind of vibrant colors and laughter.

In that moment, she found herself pondering why she had never ventured here before.

And then, like a light bulb flicking on, it hit her – she had never had a partner for such adventures, and her overprotective brother had unwittingly kept her from this joyous experience.

Wang Xiao's eyes sparkled with spontaneity as he suggested, "Let's head to Yu Garden then; we've still got plenty of time."

After a brief contemplation, Fu Yuxin nodded. "Okay."