Mistaken sister for a sister? (1)


A heavy sigh escaped Wang Xiao's lips, visible in the chilly night air as a misty plume. The biting cold of the night seeped through his padded jacket, an unwelcome guest that the jacket failed to repel.

The clock displayed the unforgiving hour of 2:45 am as he finally stepped foot into his abode.

He could already anticipate the morning - a storm of reprimands awaited him.

Despite the frigid night, an odd mix of discomfort and familiarity settled within him, anchoring him to the spot.

It felt like peace... An enduring, tranquil peace...

'This could be the end; your body is already freezing, you fool.'

The internal warning jolted him, rescuing him from the sudden suicidal thoughts. He shook his head and discreetly moved past the inattentive guard.

The guard, neglecting his duty, didn't warrant any comments from Wang Xiao.