The day of misfortune starts...

On a chilly winter morning, the 6th of January, 2024,

Wang Xiao's world had transformed into a cocoon of monotony over the last five days. Inside the confines of his home, he languished, reading books, browsing the internet, and whiled away the hours.

The winter had tightened its grip, but Wang Xiao's spirits had soared as his injury had fully healed the day before.

As he drifted into slumber last night, a contented smile crossed his face, knowing he could once again venture outside without the threat of Xinyue Zhilan's rebukes.

However, today was different.

He slept alone, puzzled by Wang Mei's unexplained absence the previous day.

Still, his slumber was serene, for he knew that the days of confinement were behind him.

But the hands of fate had something else in store.