A lucky bastard!

With a deep breath, Wang Xiao waited for Wang Xueying's tears to subside. Her emotions were raw, and the wounds were still too fresh for any immediate resolution.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Wang Xueying's sobs began to wane. Her tear-stained face looked up at Wang Xiao, and she whispered, "Why, brother? Why did you do that?"

"..." Wang Xiao was at loss of words, contemplating the best words he can think of to turn around the situation.

Wang Xueying, however, seemed to misinterpret his look as one of guilt and remorse. Her own expression began to soften slightly, and she continued, "Wang Xiao, just promise me that you'll never do it again."


Wang Xiao stared into Wang Xueying's serious eyes, taken aback by her sincerity. After a moment, his lips curved into a smile as he replied, "Why not should I do it again?"
