Victoria Stone


The soft moonlight streamed through the open doors, casting a gentle glow on Wang Xiao, who lay nestled in Bing Xueli's lap. A lazy murmur escaped his lips as he twisted, seeking more comfort in the cocoon of drowsiness.

"It's already 4," Bing Xueli's voice, cool and composed, attempted to break through the layers of sleep that enveloped him.

"Just 4?" Wang Xiao responded with a groggy voice. His eyelashes strained as he peeked at her face, the world still a haze around him. "Why not join me in a bit more shut-eye?"

Bing Xueli, her tone serene as the moonlight, answered back, "If I go to sleep, you won't wake up early and miss your training."

Wang Xiao chuckled, a hint of mischief in his tone, "You worry too much, Eleanor. My internal clock is on point, you know?"

A sigh escaped Bing Xueli, "Internal clock or not, you're still too lazy."