Graduation Ceremony!

The Temple Altar!

In the heart of Xianthera, a solitary temple graced the outskirts of Silvertide city, a sanctum atop a majestic hill.

Monks, clad in robes that draped elegantly over their heads like mystical hoodies, stood sentinel at its entrance.

The air was imbued with a serene anticipation as a patient multitude awaited their turn.

"Group A, forge ahead!" declared the fifth monk, his voice cutting through the hushed murmurs of the crowd.

Like a well-choreographed dance, five individuals swiftly emerged, their steps guided by an unspoken rhythm.

As the massive wooden doors creaked open, revealing the temple's sacred interior, a aura of reverence enveloped those who passed through.

The architecture whispered tales of centuries, and the fragrance of incense hung in the air like a timeless hymn.