Demon Cats? (2)

Emma, sensing there might be more beneath the surface, questioned, "Wang Xiao, what about you? What are you going to do now?"

Wang Xiao met Emma's gaze with a small smile before delivering his response, "Me? It shouldn't concern you." His words, delivered with calm assurance, left a ripple of confusion and curiosity in the air.

Leaning against the tree, he closed his eyes, seemingly indifferent to the puzzled expressions around him.

Ray, however, caught the subtle meaning and nodded in silent acknowledgment.

"Wang Xiao is right," Ray continued. "We're beyond our school days, and now, we're adults. No need to cling to the groups of the past; we've moved beyond those school traditions."

Emma couldn't conceal her surprise. "What? Ray, are you serious?" Her questioning gaze flitted between Ray and Chris, seeking confirmation.