Eye for an eye! Blood for blood!

Wang Xiao approached the outskirts of the city, the unconscious form of Shadowfox cradled in his arms, his mind alarmed with caution. 'Taking her to a city hospital would expose us both. And her identity... it's still a mystery.'

He glanced upwards and made a decision. With a powerful leap, he soared into the sky, his eyes scanning below for a suitable hideout. Surprisingly, the area was dotted with numerous abandoned villas. He chose one nestled near the forest, its seclusion ideal for their needs.

Gently laying Shadowfox on a dusty couch in the villa, Wang Xiao began tidying up the place using his psychokinetic (PK) abilities. Objects floated and settled into place as if guided by an invisible hand. 'At least PK makes life easier,' he mused, recalling how he used to shirk household chores back in village, leaving them to Bing Xueli.

A slight grin formed on his face at the memory.