Rescue Operation

A spark of realization lit up Isablelle's eyes. "General, I believe I've uncovered how the eighth continent met its end!"

Cain, along with the others in the place were taken aback by Isabella's sudden loss of composure. It was a rare sight, witnessed only once before during the groundbreaking discovery of the immortality serum.

"It was the eighth guardian! She annihilated her own continent, plunging it into the sea's depths. A guardian who betrayed her duty, a betrayal so profound it warranted her erasure from history," Isabella's voice echoed through the place, tinged with a mixture of triumph and disbelief.

Her fingers trembled on the page, her voice quivering with the magnitude of their discovery.

Cain, overwhelmed by the information, felt his legs give way, dropping him to his knees. Cold sweat beaded his forehead, his mind swaying.

"This... this is impossible!" he stammered, the reality of the situation crashing down on him.