
Yin Yue, continuing their conversation, suggested, [How about adding a bit of your blood essence to the poison? It could enhance its potency.]

Wang Xiao paused in his task, considering the idea. "My blood essence?" he mused aloud, the notion intriguing him. The concept of using one's own life force to amplify a concoction was not new to him, but it was a tactic he seldom used, given the risks involved.

Yin Yue elaborated, [Yes, your unique energy signature could make the poison more effective, perhaps even untraceable or difficult to counteract. It's a common practice in certain dark arts.]

Wang Xiao nodded slowly, weighing the potential benefits against the risks. "It's a gamble, but it might be necessary," he conceded, his eyes scanning the dense foliage of the Whispering Woods. The forest seemed to be watching him, its ancient trees whispering secrets of the ages.