The Bermuda Triangle!

Li Zhiming's mind exploded with questions, 'Damn! Anran again... How does he know about her? What does he want?' The mention of his daughter pierced through the fog of pain and confusion, sharpening his focus. 'I must remain calm, gather information. Who is this man really? It's I who have walked into a trap! I am being targetted!'

As the oppressive force receded, Li Zhiming's breath came easier, but the weight on his chest was not just physical.

He looked up, meeting Wang Xiao's gaze. "I... understand," he managed, every word an effort.

Internally, he was another cunning thought. 'Anran is safe, for now. But I must uncover his motives, and who might be pulling his strings. Be calm... there would be an opportunity to strike back!'