Mount Olympus Summit: The Structure of World!

In the present day, a complex web of five prominent organizations operated on a global scale, standing apart from the all powerful Legion of Deviants.

The 'New World Order', shrouded in secrecy and bearing the alias of 'Zero', thrived as a mysterious entity formed through a remarkable alliance spanning the realms of Europe, South America, and North America.

Across the Southeast Asian [ASEAN] landscape, the 'Dharma Council' had established its presence, echoing the structure similar to Zero.

Then there was the mysterious Order of Illuminati, a shadowy collective born of mercenaries and individuals deeply entrenched in the underbelly of society. Notably, it presided over the largest dark web markets.

The choice of the name "Illuminati" was deliberate, a cunning move to ensure that even in the event of a genuine revelation, it could easily be dismissed as a joke or conspiracy.

However, not everything was as it seemed.