Unknown Attackers (2)

Anran's frustration was mounting as she continued, her voice growing more determined, "No! Not just punch him in the face, I want to beat him into pulp! That's my life mission now! How dare he show me visions of a lazy, loafing life before tricking me into all this!"

".... Haha..." Wang Xiao listened, momentarily speechless at her rants, before a small, spontaneous soft laugh escaped him.

Her fiery spirit, even when directed at the man she didn't know was her father, was somehow amusing.

"Huh? Did I say something funny?" Anran asked, her tone shifting to one of slight embarrassment.

Wang Xiao shook his head, trying to regain his composure. "It's nothing, it's ju—"

His sentence was abruptly cut short, his attention drawn to something behind them. Anran, noticing his sudden pause, turned around with a look of concern. "Huh? Is something there?"