Mayor Hasting!

As the night deepened, the darkness outside seemed to swallow the world whole.

Lian stood by the open balcony, her gaze fixed on the shadowy sky. "Looks like we won't be seeing the sun for a while..." she muttered to herself. In this persistent gloom, distinguishing between day and night had become a challenge.

The relentless weather mirrored her growing unease.

When Wang Xiao had first arrived, it was noon. Now, enveloped in night's embrace, she felt the weight of uncertainty.

Both times of day were shrouded in the same, oppressive darkness.

Thankfully, the rain had ceased, but her anxiety hadn't.

Her thoughts were fixated on the three girls she had provided for Wang Xiao.

Now, they were alone with him in the room.

A sense of dread gnawed at her; the money she had received suddenly felt like a burden too heavy to bear.
