
In Wang Xiao's experience, most women would have shown some concern or jealousy in such situations.

Sensing his confusion, Anran elaborated, her voice carrying a hint of awkwardness as the conversation veered into sensitive territory.

"You see... I can't control you... If I tried, you'd probably leave me. And as long as you come back home, I don't really care about the specifics..." She finished off the sentence, her voice trailing off as she gave a small nonchalant shrug.

"Oh," Wang Xiao uttered, a bit taken aback by her laid-back attitude.

A thought crossed his mind – was she actually more intelligent and aware than she let on, perhaps even feigning her clumsiness?

"But..." Anran's voice trailed off, her expression shifting to one of slight concern, her eyes reflecting a depth of emotion that she had not previously shown.

"But what?" Wang Xiao's expression shifted, a shadow of irritation flickering across his features.