Invited by the Queen! (1)


Into the deep, whispering heart of the Norhaven forests, the symphony of nature was momentarily disturbed by the sound of twigs snapping underfoot.

Two figures, their forms casting long shadows in the moonlit glade, navigated the dense foliage.

Wang Xiao, his focus locked on the glowing screen of his phone, was tracing a path towards a destination only known to him.

Beside him, Anran walked with her head bowed, her expression clouded with a mix of regret and self-reproach, as if she had unwittingly woven a web of chaos around the one person she had hoped to avoid burdening.

Breaking the silence, her voice barely rose above a whisper, "Hey, are you angry that I caused so much trouble?"


The quiet that followed her question was heavy, filled with words unspoken.

After a moment, she ventured further, her voice tinged with concern, "... Do you find my behavior childish?"
