Seraphine (1)

'I will not forget this disgrace, Wang Xiao. And you will regret teaching me such a 'lesson',' Seraphine vowed silently, her resolve burning like a beacon in the night.

As the final droplets of water cascaded from her, shimmering briefly in the air before returning to the pool, the surface of which had returned to a deceptive calm, the emotional turbulence between them had deepened, a silent storm brewing beneath the tranquility.

"Eehehe..." An involuntary laugh abruptly bubbled up from Seraphine, the sound surprising even herself. It was a laugh tinged with disbelief and a hint of hysteria.

Thoughts of retribution swirled in her mind, a tempest of vengeance and pride.

Yet, amidst this storm, a ludicrous realization struck her—how could she even dream of exacting revenge on him, when the mere act of laying a finger on him seemed an insurmountable challenge?