Asmodeous (1)

Unexpectedly, she found herself escaping punishment as Wang Xiao approached her, his presence casting a shadow of uncertainty.


Freya's face changed into confusion, a barrage of question marks filling her expression, as Wang Xiao's hand unexpectedly landed on her head.


Just as she lifted her gaze to protest, she froze, trapped by the intensity of Wang Xiao's piercing eyes, his smile sending shivers down her spine.

"Girl, I would suggest you keep that little tongue of yours in check, or next time I might just cut it down and shove it where the sun don't shine."

A sharp inhale escaped Freya as she flinched, her nodding quick and fervent. "Hm! Hm!"

There was no doubt in her mind.

She was certain he would follow through.

As Wang Xiao finally departed, leaving behind an eerie silence, Freya couldn't help but release a sigh of relief, her hands instinctively moving to her backside, inspecting them for any signs of—