Confronting Aurora?

'What do you think about it?' Wang Xiao murmured, his focus split between navigating through the air and the conversation he was revisiting in his mind.

[About what?] Yin Yue's voice echoed in his thoughts, her tone surprisingly neutral.

Wang Xiao hesitated before continuing, 'She, the flower—what's her name, Aurora, I told you she was abnormal.'

[She possesses an intriguing ability,] Yin Yue mused, analyzing the limited data at her disposal. [To hide herself and evade detection, to alter her physical form with such precision that even my scans fail to penetrate her guise—it's extraordinary. It suggests she can modify her cellular structure in mere milliseconds, utilizing her strength selectively while maintaining the appearance of a normal human. Whether this is a strategy to conserve energy or a limitation of her powers remains to be seen.]

Yin Yue's confusion mirrored Wang Xiao's own.