The True Guardians! (4)

As Aurora concluded the tale, her sigh seemed to carry the weight of centuries, a bridge between the mythic past and the present moment under the stars.

"And what makes it special?" Wang Xiao pressed, still struggling to reconcile the somber tale with the notion of 'specialness'.

The Greek tales overflow with such similar stories.

Aurora's eyes shimmered like the sky, deep ocean hues interwoven with the dancing northern lights, lending them a mesmerizing, oceanic green.

"It's special because it questions the tales we accept without hesitation. Why would a woman, condemned for her alleged vanity, be immortalized with such beauty in the heavens?"

"It challenges the very foundation of how we remember and honor those from our past?" Aurora's voice trailed off, her lips subtly curving into an mysterious arc.

Wang Xiao pondered for a moment before replying, "To deter people from emulating her? To make an example of her?"