The True Guardians! (8)

The decision to abandon the thrones only worsened the chaos, igniting endless cycles of power struggles across the fragmented lands.

The consorts, once hailed as leaders but now branded traitors, vanished into obscurity, only to be remembered as historical footnotes long after the Pangeans ceased to exist and history blurred into myth.

As centuries passed, the once-abundant Aether depleted, leaving humanity in a gradual decline.

With each successive generation, humans grew weaker, teetering on the brink of extinction multiple times.

Abilities like psychokinesis, once innate, now required complex postnatal rituals to awaken.

The human mind dulled, senses became blunted, and the once-vibrant connection with nature and the elements faded into obscurity.

The concept of Guardians was nonexistent, replaced only by tales of mysterious figures who would emerge during times of great conflict to alter the course of events.