New Guadian of Europe?

Despite her super human body, Aurora found it ridiculous to utilise her abilities for such reasons!

Wang Xiao's eyes darkened as he caressed her cheek gently. "Trust me. I'll guide you every step of the way, and who is here beside us, to see your embarassment anyways?" he reassured her, his words sending a shiver down her spine.

Aurora's heart pounded in her chest as she looked up at Wang Xiao, her eyes filled with a mixture of hesitation and longing.

Finally, with a shaky nod, she whispered, "Okay. Let's try."


On September 30th, the once tranquil Jay Mayen Island was engulfed in chaos.

The air vibrated with the consistent buzz of helicopter rotors as Wang Xiao bid farewell to Ericka and Serphina, who had recovered.

They had awoken two days prior, but Wang Xiao had been preoccupied with Aurora, leaving him no opportunity to contact them.