

The air itself seemed to tremble with the force of their passage.

Wang Xiao sat in stunned silence, his expression a perfect mask of tranquility amidst the chaos.

Below him, the dragon he was perched upon sliced through the heavens at a breakneck pace.

Wang Xiao couldn't shake the feeling that the last time they flew, this bastard was flying at merely half this velocity.

"Is this what you meant by a 'walk'?" he couldn't resist asking.

After all, who could classify intercontinental travel as a mere stroll?

A mischievous glimmer danced in Aurora's eyes as her lips twisted into a knowing smile. "You should travel more. Don't worry, with a bit of help from me and managing air resistance, she can go even faster."


Wang Xiao's expression darkened, suspicion brewing. "You're managing all this while sitting so calmly?" he inquired, his tone tinged with disbelief.