Trying to be nice? Didn't work! Become a thug! (1)




As Wang Xiao approached the chamber where Eveline resided, his footsteps reverberated through the desolate corridor.

Preoccupied by the series of events over the recent weeks, he felt as if his life had undergone a profound transformation.

With Elara by his side, he wielded near-complete control over Europe, since she was still revered as the indispensable advisor to the European guardian.

Ten princesses awaited him within the ancient walls of Transylvania's castle.

Just as Wang Xiao was enjoying in his seemingly perfect existence, as if his fortunes could soar no higher— Aurora vanished, leaving a void he felt powerless to fill.

And as if fate sought to compound his challenges, Yin Yue chose this moment to intrude upon his thoughts.

[Xiao, I have been longing to tell you this for quite some time...] Her voice, tinged with somberness, echoed in his mind, stopping him dead in his tracks.
