Wang Xiao stunned: Bàba? (2)

"Hey, you can't move on your own! You need rest!" Amelia blurted out, her voice tinged with concern and urgency as she stepped forward.

At her warning, Anran clung to Wang Xiao like a koala to a sturdy trunk.

Her eyes—a mixture of mischief and mirth—blinked in surprise before she theatrically closed them again.

Amelia, "??"

Then, with a grin that stretched mischievously across her face, Anran stuck out her tongue at him. "Pthhh!"


"What?" Amelia, standing just behind Wang Xiao, felt her heart skip a beat in shock.

'This girl...' Her eyes, wide as crystals, mirrored a blend of astonishment and amusement.

Never in her life had she expected such childlike actions coming from a grown woman, a mother of two!


The air around Wang Xiao tightened with tension as Anran's arms ensnared him, her laughter tickling his ear.