
10:00 AM, January 1st!

King's Mansion!



Buried in the comfort of his plush bed, Wang Xiao was lost in deep slumber until suddenly, his eyes burst open, and he began to sweat profusely.


He gasped for air, his breaths ragged and desperate, as he jolted upright in a state of panic.

"Hm? Finally awake..."

A soft voice floated through the dimly lit room, barely more than a whisper but distinctly clear.

His eyes, wide and alarmed, were fixed on the wall, unseeing.

He remained oblivious to Eveline's presence on a nearby stool, her hand resting lightly on his shoulder, until the fog of his fright lifted.

Turning slowly, he met her gaze, filled with concern and a quiet question.

"...What happened?" His voice cracked as he spoke, shivering as he felt an icy chill seeping into his bones.

Eveline's eyes flicked downwards subtly, prompting Wang Xiao to frown and look towards his neck.