Frostholm: Heaven on the Earth! (1)

January 15, 2027!

"Would you two be going alone...?" Seraphina, rubbed her eyes, her voice tinged with sleepiness.

It was only four in the morning, and the icy pre-dawn air seeped through the walls of the dimly lit open balcony where Eveline and Wang Xiao stood, fully equipped and ready to depart.

Despite having been informed well in advance about their plans to delve into the activities of the hell slave organization and Gabriel, the question of why they had chosen to leave at such an ungodly hour nagged at her.

Couldn't they have let her sleep a bit longer?

She was particularly irked by the fact that she was the only one roused from sleep—Anran was still blissfully asleep, resembling a log in her cozy room.

"She wouldn't be going with me," Wang Xiao broke through Seraphina's train of thought, his voice firm.