Crushed the Mountain!

Aurora,"Then why don't you intervene? It's your domain, isn't it? Why so silent?"


Athene fell mute, her lips pressed tightly together in a hard line.

The silence stretched between them, heavy and laden with unspoken words until Aurora shattered it with her probing question. "You, too, want to see what lies beyond that wall, don't you?"

Athene's brow furrowed deeply. "I have no desire to see anything beyond it; only death lies past that wall."

"But people have come back," Aurora countered calmly, her voice steady and sure.

"One in a million doesn't count," Athene retorted calmly, her eyes narrowing skeptically.

"It does," Aurora insisted softly, yet with an underlying firmness.

Athene's expression darkened, her hands balling into fists at her sides.