Dumb B*tch?

"This... this is impossible," Mary stammered, her voice faltering as she tried to reconcile the reality before her eyes with her beliefs.

She stared in disbelief at the young girl who had just upended the certainty of her world.

Naomi slowly turned to face Mary, her lips curling into a subtle, mocking smirk.

It was as if she were taunting the supposedly unbreakable glass for its fragility.


Mary's face twisted with rage as her eyes flared with rage, "CATCH THIS RAT!" she screamed, the command erupting from deep within her, booming through the chamber.

Her body shook with fury, her composure shattering as visibly as the glass had.

Naomi, undeterred and eerily calm, extended her hand toward the fractured pane once more, her movements deliberate, almost ceremonial.