Frozen Heart!

"Too late to warn him, lady," Valen said, a triumphant grin spreading across his face.




In an instant, the ice spears surrounding him shot towards Wang Xiao with the speed of bullets, slicing through the air with a chilling hiss.




"Survived, huh?" Valen's grin faded as the ice spears shattered just inches from Wang Xiao. "It seems you pack a punch too! Haha, this is going to be interesting."


In the next second, a voice came from behind, freezing Valen in his tracks.


"Arrghhhh! BASTARD, LET GO OF ME!" Valen's body convulsed violently as if his soul were being ripped from his flesh.

Wang Xiao had descended like a predator, hands clamped around Valen's head, attempting to crush it from within.


Valen's stomach twisted, an unbearable agony searing through him as his vision blurred.
