Burning Earth! The Dance of Ice and Fire (2)

"Just keep moving forward, sir, you're almost there!" a young soldier reassured an elderly man struggling with his bag.

"Why now? What's happening exactly?" a teenager asked, her voice laced with fear as she boarded one of the ships.

"It's a precautionary measure right. We have to move quickly but safely," the soldier replied, not having all the answers but providing comfort where he could.

"Why are there bombers? What's going on?" one man demanded, his voice laced with suspicion as he cornered a soldier trying to direct the crowd toward the evacuation ships.

"Is this because of a threat? Are we under attack?" a woman queried, her voice trembling, hands clenched tightly around the straps of her backpack as another jet roared overhead, its sonic boom rattling the windows of nearby buildings.


Soldiers, strained under the weight of urgency and confusion, repeated their instructions with increasing desperation.