"Welcome to the new Age!" (2)

"Welcome to the new Age!"

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Bravo! What a song!" shouted the old man with white hair from his corner, his voice booming above the rest.

His laughter rang out, rich and infectious, as he raised his overflowing jug of beer high into the air, the frothy liquid sloshing over the rim in his enthusiasm.

The three women around him joined in, their own applause enthusiastic as they leaned closer, their faces alight with amusement and delight.

"That's the spirit of a new age indeed!" he proclaimed loudly, the jovial tone in his voice drawing smiles from those nearby. His companions giggled, toasting to his words, their glasses meeting with a celebratory ting.

"More! Give us another one!" another voice called out from the back of the bar, where a younger crowd gathered, their faces eager and animated by the performance.

The lyre player, Alex, nodded appreciatively, his smile wide as he absorbed the energy of the room.