Arrest! (1)

"Should we really allow the rumors to spread unchecked?" Amaya questioned, her voice tinged with skepticism, well aware that this catastrophe wasn't an act of divine retribution.

Li Zhiming shook his head, his expression somber. "It's better this way. As long as people have a belief to cling to, believing they are powerless to change it, the panic will be minimized."

Amaya nodded slowly, concern etching her features. "But eventually, the truth will surface..."

Li Zhiming offered a dry chuckle, his tone tinged with resignation. "That's not my burden to bear. In one week, the Mount Olympus meeting will be broadcast live. We'll see what plans the old foxes there have concocted."

Amaya fell silent, her thoughts heavy.

This would be the first time all the guardians assembled to reveal their existence to the world on live television.

The global reaction was unpredictable.