Graveyard of Gods (6)


"Fuck, not again..." Wang Xiao's eyes snapped open, and instinctively, he knew he was alive yet again.


Stranded in an unfamiliar place!

It was uncomfortably rigid to lie there, so he quickly scanned his surroundings, his expression freezing almost immediately.


A giant bird screeched omniously just in front of him, and before he could fully grasp the situation, he found himself being fed to her hungry chicks.


At this moment, Wang Xiao wasn't even surprised.

Instead, he felt a deep, numbing trauma.

This was the thirty-eighth time he had died and come back!

He had come to realize that in this bizarre place, dying was an impossibility!

Every time he died, he would respawn like a character in a video game, maintaining the same physique he had upon his initial arrival, except for his eyes, which seemed irrevocably lost.