Changing World (2)

Luna promptly passed the task to Sakura, who was already juggling responsibilities at Athena's dome beneath the sea and overseeing the X-files network.

Meanwhile, a new guardian had been appointed over Europe following Asmodeus's demise, a development that irked Wang Xiao, who saw himself as the rightful heir to that position.

Luna laid out the official pathway to becoming a Guardian, but Wang Xiao scoffed at the idea of participating in trivial tournaments.

His ambitions soared higher; he contemplated obliterating all the Guardians and seizing the ultimate authority for himself.

However, his own actions had inadvertently disrupted the usually lazy Guardians into action, now frequently convening in committees and meetings.

Moreover, the existence of the Eighth Continent and the mysterious Pandora Island was disclosed, though their precise locations remained hidden in secrecy.