The Old Lady is Angry!

Year 2029, 1st July!

On the first day of month, the sun cast a warm and crisp glow over Sylvergard.

The sky's clear light bathed the stoned marble walls of the newly restored royal palace in a golden hue.

Within the Queen's chamber, a woman lay enveloped in the soft embrace of sleep, clutching a large pillow tenderly.

Her hair, pristine and as white as winter's first snow, contrasted beautifully with her creamy, smooth skin.

Undisturbed, she was the picture of charm and serene beauty.

However, the moment Seraphina awoke, the spell broke.

With a flick of disdain, she cast the pillow to the ground, disgusted, as if declaring their companionship over with the dawn.

Fortuitously, the royal chamber was devoid of witnesses to the Queen's morning temper.
