Ancient Sun Dynasty!

William swallowed hard, his face a mask of discomfort. 'Obviously, it was her who was caught.. why am I being scolded?...'he thought despairingly.

"I... I was just..." He stammered, trying to formulate a response that might diffuse his mother's growing anger.

Sensing his struggle, Jamie whispered under his breath to the others, "Retreat might be wise about now..."

Seraphina, without missing a beat, turned her steely gaze upon each of William's friends. "Aren't you the daughter of Minister Charles?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing as they settled on Olivia, who visibly flinched under the intensity of the scrutiny.

Her sharp gaze then shifted to Xavier and Snow. "And you two, aren't you here on a foreign exchange from the Sun Dynasty?" The authority in her voice made it clear that this was no casual inquiry but a reminder of their status, before they go around spreading rumours.