Ancient Sun Dynasty (4)

The dark domain of Wang Xiao, potent enough to make even Mary tremble, didn't seem to phase Wenxi; instead, it sparked her curiosity and excitement.

Wang Xiao understood the typical human instinctual fear of dark matter, but these two were different.

They had been exposed to it from birth, which altered their perception of what was normal.

To clarify her question about why they seemed to be airborne rather than on solid ground—typically, when Wang Xiao activated his domain, the ground beneath them remained visible and tangible, only becoming enveloped when there was no ground to begin with.

"Yes," Wang Xiao replied.

As he spoke, the void beneath them turned translucent, revealing the stunning landscape spread out below them.

The sudden visibility of the earthly beauty beneath the swirling dark matter only added to the magical feeling of floating in a boundless sky.