Execution Order of Holy Church!

"I... I texted Josephine," William admitted, his voice faltering under the weight of his mother's intense stare.

Seraphina's frown deepened, her earlier words forgotten as she snatched his phone to check the messages.

"It's over..."

Her face drained of color as she read the texts. William had not only spilled details about Wang Xiao but had also falsely claimed she was pregnant.


'Damnit!' Seraphina's thoughts were interrupted by her phone vibrating with a new message, her expression darkening further.

William, still in the dark about the full extent of the situation, watched his mother's reaction with growing dread.

It was only later, when Seraphina reluctantly disclosed that Wang Xiao was the Eighth Prince, that truly hit him.

Suddenly, he understood why his mother had been so different around Wang Xiao, but that understanding didn't bring approval.