Baby Producing Factory?

Wang Xiao, accustomed to the fantastical whims of children—he had more than a handful of his own—couldn't help but smile at her audacity.

"It's not entirely impossible, but that depends on your mother," he said, reaching out to gently pinch her cheek, marveling at its softness.

"Hm! Mommy is the most beautiful!" Zhenxi asserted stoutly, pouting as she gently set the dragon cubs down and rubbed the spot where Wang Xiao had pinched, her face a portrait of solemn dignity.

Wang Xiao observed her, his amusement mingled with wonder.

How could this blind girl hold such firm convictions about her mother's beauty?

She could not even see.

Yet, he thought, if the 'product' was this delightful and pure, surely the 'factory' must be equally wondrous.

"So... Will you be Zi'er's daddy?" Zhenxi's question, imbued with both hope and a trembling nervousness, floated gently towards Wang Xiao.