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"You...!" Fu Yuxin turned around with a flushed face. "Don't throw your problems onto me!"

Chen Meili couldn't help but chuckle at her partner's reaction.

"Mommy..." Zhenxi tugged at her mother's clothes with pleading eyes.

Fu Yuxin, about to retort, softened her expression as she looked down at Zhenxi, choosing to ignore Chen Meili's teasing.

In her heart, she plotted a playful revenge for later that evening.

"Daddy!" Zhenxi's persistent murmurs grew louder, each repetition of "I need Daddy"

"Huh?" Fu Yuxin, her brows furrowed in confusion, began listing names of potential figures Zhenxi might be referring to.

Zhenxi's insistence grew more fervent as she repeated her plea for her daddy.

Fu Yuxin, her confusion mounting, began to list names of potential father figures she thought her daughter might be referring to.